What does “Next gen of gaming” really mean?

Next Gen is here. Now what? The game development industry has started to gamble on which company will be portrayed as the real next gen console. The COVID-19 pandemic helped to create a captive audience that is also eager to know the final result after almost 30 years of competition.  But even though Sony and […]

How to survive Home Office

The last time there was a radical change in work methodology was nearly 95 years ago, when Henry Ford (the famous founder of the Ford Motor Company) decided that workers would work an eight-hour day (…)

COVID-19: the unexpected game changer for the video game industry agenda

At the beginning of the year, the news about COVID-19 was spreading quite slowly; attitudes were lighthearted, and the memes were flying around the internet. But the majority of the world didn’t anticipate what was about to impact all corners of the globe.  As the rumors flew and attention grew, the videogame industry seemed to […]
