The Quest for Quality: Editing, Proofreading and LQA

The Quest for Quality: Editing, Proofreading and LQA

Editing, proofreading and linguistic quality assurance (LQA) are like cousins: they belong to the same family, since they take place after the translation is done, but they are very distinct.  In this article, we explore the differences between the three services and how each one contributes to high-quality localization. By the end of this article, […]

The Impact of Globalization on Video Game Localization 

A robust globalization strategy holds pivotal significance in the realm of gaming, especially concerning video game localization. Let’s unravel the profound impact of globalization within the gaming industry and why having your own globalization strategy in place is crucial.   What Is Globalization?  The term globalization can cause some confusion because it is often used two […]

8 Ways LQA Can Improve Your Game

Developing a game is a thrilling journey in which every detail is meticulously crafted to create a masterpiece that offers players an unforgettable experience. And in this era of global gaming —where borders are blurred, and players have different cultures, languages, and preferences— ensuring your game has universal appeal is not just desirable but necessary.  […]

6 Areas to Consider for a Kid-Centered Localization

6 Areas to Consider for a Kid-Centered Localization

If you’ve spent any time around children, you know that they constantly ask the adults in their lives to translate the world around them into a language they can understand. Their curiosity is boundless, and they almost always have a question word on the tip of their tongue. As video games play an increasingly important […]

Uniting Cultures Through the Localization of Film and Video Games

Uniting Cultures Through the Localization of Film and Video Games

In the ever-evolving landscape of entertainment, movies and video games have consistently captivated audiences worldwide, leaving an indelible mark on popular culture. The convergence of these creative worlds has given rise to a dynamic synergy, where captivating narratives, cutting-edge technology, and boundless imagination collide, transcending geographical and linguistic boundaries.   Let’s explore the pivotal role of […]

The ABCs of Kid-Friendly Video Game Localization  

Video game localization is always a multi-faceted process, but when a game is created with kids in mind, there are even more variables to juggle. Games can be influential in kids’ formative years by helping them learn and forge lasting memories, so this content needs to be treated with extra special care.  This article covers […]

What to Consider When Going Multilingual with Your Game

What to Consider When Going Multilingual with Your Game

In the vast realm of video games, captivating storylines are the heartbeats that keep players engrossed. This is even more true when the player can engage with the video game in their native language. For video game developers eyeing a global audience, localization is the key to unlocking new horizons. Yet, with around 7,000 languages […]

How to Move the Needle in DEI in Your Organization and Nurture a Diverse Team

How to Move the Needle in DEI in Your Organization and Nurture a Diverse Team

Diversity and inclusion form Terra’s bedrock, enriching our culture and fostering innovation. As a certified women-owned and minority-owned business, we understand that embracing diversity goes beyond just saying the words – it’s about cultivating a thriving environment where every voice is heard, valued, and cherished. Nurturing diverse teams is vital to the dynamic landscape of […]

Transcreation: Games Wouldn’t Be the Same Without This Hack

Transcreation: Games Wouldn’t Be the Same Without This Hack

If we only relied on direct translation to localize video games, they wouldn’t be very fun to play. Why? While direct translations can be useful in some types of content, like terms & conditions, it doesn’t do interactive entertainment justice. To properly localize a video game, you need a freer, more creative approach to translation. […]
