Know Your Players: Navigating Genres and Markets in Game Development


Regardless of whether your next project is a role-playing (RPG), fighting, or simulation game, understanding your target market is key. Having a clear grasp on what your target market is looking for in a video game not only helps in creating engaging content but also ensures that a game resonates with players globally. Let’s take a closer look at how you can effectively navigate genres and markets in game development.  

Platform Popularity  

Which gaming platforms reign supreme varies in different parts of the world. These regional differences impact how developers should approach game development and localization. For instance, console games are more popular in the USA, Japan, and Western Europe. In these regions, tailoring your game development and marketing strategies to suit console preferences is a smart strategy. Each platform has its preferred genres too. For example, role-playing is the most popular game type on smartphones, but console players favor adventure games.  

Audience Size in Dominant Language Markets  

Understanding the potential reach and engagement for your video game in different language markets makes it easier to focus your localization efforts on the languages that will take your game further.  

Global Games Market Report, 2023. Newzoo.

By knowing language preferences and usage statistics, developers can make informed decisions on which languages to localize their games into. While English is the most popular language preference (33.19% of players), simplified Chinese is not far behind (31.69%) according to Steam.  

Statistics from Steam Index.

Cultural Norms and Censorship  

Different regions have unique content restrictions that developers must follow to avoid legal issues and negative reactions, which can also affect game ratings. Identifying these challenges early in the development process can save you a lot of trouble down the road.  

Success of Previous Games in Specific Markets  

Analyze market trends and player feedback from previous games to guide decisions and improve chances of success by understanding market preferences and potential pitfalls. 

Income per Capita and Purchase Ability  

Align pricing strategies and in-game monetization with the economic conditions of the target market to match local purchasing power. 

Legal Matters and Data Processing Regulations 

Ensuring compliance with local laws is crucial for avoiding legal issues and building trust with players. You should always comply with local laws to avoid legal issues and build player trust. You also need to understand data processing regulations, which can vary by country. 

Understanding Local Audience  

Having a deep understanding of the local audience is the cornerstone of a solid video game localization strategy and can help developers keep important factors such as local gaming culture, preferred genres, and popular gameplay mechanics top of mind. In turn, this can help them create games that resonate with players.  

Popular Game Genres by Region  

Spend some time studying comprehensive reports, like Newzoo, Steam Hardware and Software Survey, to get an overview of how certain game themes and trends are received in different regions.   

  • Global trends: Action-adventure games and shooters are widely popular on PC and consoles. 
  • USA: Action games are preferred by 26.9% of players.  
  • Poland: Over 50% of players engaged in puzzle games on mobile devices in 2019 and racing games are popular on consoles.  
  • Germany: Simulators are among the most popular genres.  
  • Japan: Dating simulators and games about robots are hugely popular.  
  • Indonesia: The social gaming app HAGO is particularly popular.  

The Takeaway 

Successfully entering new video game markets requires understanding regional platform preferences, audience size, cultural norms, and legal requirements. Tailor your game’s development and video game localization strategies to align with these factors, ensuring your game resonates globally and meets diverse player expectations. 

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